Personal project | Whiskey Bottle
I decided to try to do a bottle of elite alcoholic drink. In process of this project, I wanted to increase my skill in modeling, creating texture, and especially working with light because ligtht to draw a form of object. 
Work with reflective, transparent object with caustic effect — it's sereous level of skill for my oppinion.

It's the final image.
I started working from collect a reference images
And then when I have had and idea in my head how it will look like and how it can be done I started to modelling a form with elements. Below you can see a result.
The bottle has uneven contour with radial and rectangular shapes. It create a difficulties in process of working with light. 
I had to spend time finding the optimal combination and position of light sources. In the final scene I had have near a 10 light source and some flags for creating a contrast which help to draw the shape of the bottle.
Next step was UV-unwrap. At this stage, I found for myself optimal working process. It differs from the common approach when seams are created on the finished model to unwrap the model. I like to cut the model into little pieces in continue of process UV-unwrap.
Then I has been creating textures and masks. This step I started in Illustrator. There I created the pattern in Art Deco style for labels. After that I continued in Photoshop, where I ended part with textures and masks.

So, I returned in Cinema 4D and ad the textures to model of bottle. And finally, all I have to do to adjust a render and have done the final compositing.
I record my process. If you are interested you can see it on youtube.
Thanks for watching.
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